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Experimental Research


What is experimental research? Experimental research is a scientifically-driven approach that involves quantitative analysis and revolves around two sets of variables. The first set, called independent variables, is deliberately manipulated by the researcher to examine their impact on the second set of variables, known as dependent variables. By employing the experimental method, it becomes possible to assess the influence and manner in which independent variables affect dependent variables. This knowledge can contribute to various decision-making processes in diverse domains, including: Analyzing the effect of price changes on consumer purchasing patterns and intentions. Evaluating whether altering the color of a product's [...]

Experimental Research2023-07-20T09:26:10+03:30

Descriptive Research


What is descriptive research? Descriptive research aims to provide a detailed description of the characteristics, behaviors, or attributes of a population or phenomenon being studied. This approach focuses primarily on the "what" rather than the "why" of the research subject. The main objective of descriptive research is to paint a comprehensive picture of the research subject by gathering and analyzing data related to its various aspects. It seeks to answer questions such as "What are the population's demographic characteristics?" or "What are the observed behaviors in a particular setting?" Unlike explanatory or causal research, which aims to uncover the reasons [...]

Descriptive Research2023-07-20T09:29:35+03:30

Correlational research


What is Correlational research? Correlational research is a non-experimental research approach where a researcher examines and measures two variables, aiming to analyze and evaluate the statistical connection between them without any influence from external factors. Correlational research Example The correlation coefficient provides a statistical measure of the relationship between two variables, ranging from -1 to +1. A value close to +1 indicates a positive correlation, while a value close to -1 indicates a negative correlation. When the correlation coefficient is close to zero, it signifies no relationship between the variables. To illustrate the concept of correlational research, let's consider a hypothetical [...]

Correlational research2023-07-13T09:52:25+03:30

Historical Research


Exploring the Depths of Historical Research Introduction Historical research is a rigorous and illuminating methodology that enables scholars to delve into the past, unraveling narratives, events, and contexts that have shaped our present. This article explores the essence of historical research, highlighting its significance, key principles, and methods. By engaging in meticulous data collection, critical analysis, and interpretation of primary and secondary sources, historical researchers construct a nuanced understanding of historical phenomena and their implications for contemporary society. Understanding Historical Research Historical research is an investigative approach that seeks to examine and interpret past events, people, cultures, [...]

Historical Research2023-07-09T10:11:29+03:30

Exploratory research


Exploratory research is a type of investigation conducted when the problem under study is not well-defined. Its purpose is to gain a better understanding of the research problem, although it does not aim to provide definitive or conclusive results. In exploratory research, the researcher begins with a general idea and utilizes the study as a means to identify and explore issues that may serve as the focus for future research. Flexibility is crucial in this type of research, as the researcher must be open to changing the research direction based on new data or insights that emerge. Exploratory research is [...]

Exploratory research2023-07-05T10:16:50+03:30

Applied research


Applied research refers to a research approach wherein the researcher is already aware of the problem at hand. Its purpose is to address specific questions and find solutions. Each research project begins with a clear purpose that guides the chosen research methodology. Researchers can engage in either basic research or applied research. Applied research concentrates on finding answers to specific questions in order to solve particular issues. It aims to identify solutions for cultural or organizational problems and often serves as a follow-up to basic or pure research. In this article, we will discuss the various types of applied research [...]

Applied research2023-06-29T09:52:11+03:30

How Researchers Can Increase Their Visibility


Once your research is published, your hard work as a researcher does not end. Increasing the visibility of your study is a responsibility of yours. This can be difficult and involves a lot of work. Although learning how to advertise your study can be awkward at times, the effort is worthwhile. A greater number of people finding your study may read it and contribute to it as more people become aware of it. It may also open up prospects for future collaboration. To begin enhancing your research's visibility, read the rest of this blog post. Developing a [...]

How Researchers Can Increase Their Visibility2023-05-14T13:15:25+03:30

Reference Management Software Solutions for Your Research


Students, scholars, authors, and researchers all have to conduct a significant amount of research online. Managing and organizing so many references might be intimidating, especially if you're doing it manually because there are many different databases, online journals, and websites. Many reference management software applications make keeping track of your references a breeze. Here are the top 5 software determined by Rovedar Publication Services. Publication Services. EndNote If you are working on a research paper with others,EndNote is a terrific tool. It is the best choice for collaborations because it allows you to share with up to 14 [...]

Reference Management Software Solutions for Your Research2023-04-11T23:56:27+03:30

How to Publish a Research Paper: A Manual for Publishing


Publishing your research is an important step in your academic career. While there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, this guide takes you through the typical steps in publishing a research paper. Discover how to get your paper published, from choosing the right journal and understanding what a peer-reviewed article is, to responding to reviewers and navigating the production process.   Step 2: Writing your article Writing an effective, compelling research paper is important to publishing your research. But if you’re new to putting together academic papers, it can feel daunting to start from scratch. The journal you [...]

How to Publish a Research Paper: A Manual for Publishing2023-02-21T18:22:59+03:30

Writing an Article: How to Write a Successful Research Paper


A crucial aspect of your academic career is publishing an article addressing the findings of your study. You'll be able to write a manuscript that is a perfect fit for the journal of your choice by paying attention to the advice and direction provided here. Know who you’re writing the article for Knowing which publication you want to publish your work in is crucial before you begin writing up your findings. You should consider your intended journal guideline while writing your article to ensure the desired style, format, and guidelines. This increases the likelihood of your manuscript publication [...]

Writing an Article: How to Write a Successful Research Paper2023-03-03T18:30:03+03:30

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