Article publication

Advantages of Performing Peer Reviews


Peer review is an essential step in the publication of scientific research and, by extension, in the practice of science. Many researchers, however, may be excused for wondering "Why should I become a peer reviewer" given their already extensive burden. This post will discuss peer review, why it is worthwhile to volunteer to be a peer reviewer, and how to get started. We will also learn about the opinions of some early-career researchers regarding peer review. What does peer review entail and why is it important? To ensure that solid, high-caliber research is published, peer review is essential. [...]

Advantages of Performing Peer Reviews2023-05-09T15:22:46+03:30

Free Format Submissions


Should you, as a researcher, focus on gathering information or on structuring your work in accordance with the requirements of the target journal? And not all journals support these formats. To maintain its publishing standards, each journal has its own set of technical and formatting guidelines that it adheres to. It might be challenging to keep up with the distinct stylistic and formatting requirements of each journal when you are a researcher working day in and day out in a lab to perform research that will eventually be published. As a result, researchers have been pleading with editors and publishers [...]

Free Format Submissions2023-04-26T11:19:40+03:30

Manuscript Changes After Acceptance


Post-acceptance changes of manuscripts refer to modifications made to a manuscript after it has been accepted for publication but before it is published. Such changes can occur due to a variety of reasons, including suggestions or requests from the journal editor or reviewers, updates to the data or findings, or errors or omissions that need to be corrected. It is important to note that post-acceptance changes should only be made if they are necessary and justified. Making substantial changes to the content of a manuscript after it has been accepted can potentially compromise the integrity and credibility of the research, [...]

Manuscript Changes After Acceptance2023-04-24T23:47:54+03:30

ISI Delisted Journals


The suspension of the largest journal from the MDPI publishing group by the ISI has arrived. It is time for serious combat against mega-journals. Recently, the ISI has removed the indexed journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH; published by the large MDPI publishing group) from its list. This means that IJERPH no longer has an impact factor. Why is this very important news? What are the consequences of this removal for the journal, its authors, the publishing world, and other mega-journals? The news was very shocking: "WoS has announced several removal lists [...]

ISI Delisted Journals2023-04-23T11:41:40+03:30

What is SCOPUS Index?


Scopus indexing started in 2004, when it was launched by Elsevier, one of the world's largest academic publishers. Since then, it has become a leading bibliographic database for scholarly literature, covering a wide range of disciplines in science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Scopus indexes over 23,000 peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference proceedings from more than 5,000 publishers. It is widely used by researchers, academic institutions, and corporations to find and track scholarly literature. Scopus indexing is important for authors and universities for several reasons. First, it provides a way for authors to increase [...]

What is SCOPUS Index?2023-04-23T11:45:42+03:30

Find a Good Journal for Manuscript Publication


Finding a good journal for manuscript publication can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies that you can use to increase your chances of success. Here are some steps you can take: Identify your target audience: Before you start searching for journals, you should first identify your target audience. Who do you want to reach with your research? This will help you to determine which journals are most appropriate for your manuscript. Look for reputable journals: You should aim to publish in a journal that has a good reputation in your field. One way to assess a journal's [...]

Find a Good Journal for Manuscript Publication2023-04-23T11:46:42+03:30

How to Choose the Best Proofreader or English Editor for an Academic Paper


Your research paper is complete. You've analyzed your data, described your procedures, presented your arguments, and handled any potential counterarguments. Academic English editing is the next phase, which most authors find difficult. It can be difficult to choose an academic English editor or proofreader. Finding someone who can fix your paper's grammatical and stylistic problems requires skill. Also, that person needs to be knowledgeable enough about academic paper editing to follow its rules and regulations. So how do you choose the ideal academic English editor or proofreader for you? What Sets Academic Paper Editing and Academic Paper Proofreading Services Apart? [...]

How to Choose the Best Proofreader or English Editor for an Academic Paper2023-04-11T13:51:41+03:30

Quick Guide to Designing Graphical Abstracts


Here are our top tips for designing graphical abstracts. Types of Graphical Abstract There are numerous ways to build a graphical abstract. Based on your methodology, your final graphical abstract will reflect your selected art and style. You should determine the type of your graphical abstract at the beginning. This will assist you in developing a genuine design that will best serve your needs. Types Of Graphical Abstract: Diagram: This abstract type comprises diagrams and technical language and is often good for chemistry journals. Visual Abstract: This type of abstract comprises a title, some visuals, key data, and a visual [...]

Quick Guide to Designing Graphical Abstracts2023-03-11T21:29:23+03:30

How to Publish an Article for the First Time


It can be difficult to write and submit your first academic paper. From creating an excellent paper to selecting a journal, navigating the submission process, and facing peer review, we have you covered with useful tips. Of course, you should also ensure that the article you post have an impact. Here, we condense their suggestions and compile helpful resources to guide you through publishing your first post. Practical advice for publishing research papers Conduct a peer review of the work of others One of the best methods to learn what constitutes an excellent academic paper is to read other people's [...]

How to Publish an Article for the First Time2023-02-26T16:38:05+03:30

How to Publish a Research Paper: A Manual for Publishing


Publishing your research is an important step in your academic career. While there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, this guide takes you through the typical steps in publishing a research paper. Discover how to get your paper published, from choosing the right journal and understanding what a peer-reviewed article is, to responding to reviewers and navigating the production process.   Step 2: Writing your article Writing an effective, compelling research paper is important to publishing your research. But if you’re new to putting together academic papers, it can feel daunting to start from scratch. The journal you [...]

How to Publish a Research Paper: A Manual for Publishing2023-02-21T18:22:59+03:30

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