
Writing a Review article


A review article is a review of previously published research on a particular topic. It should provide an overview of current thinking on the topic and and does not contain new empirical data. Be. The purpose of reviewing the literature is to help researchers find new areas of study for further study, and they can also draw new conclusions from current data. You may be asked to submit a review or review of a journal article, so as a researcher, you have the opportunity to comment and evaluate your eligibility on how to write an article. This means that you [...]

Writing a Review article2023-03-12T21:27:13+03:30

How to Survive in Academia: Publish or Perish


The ultimatum is well known to academics: publish original research, or risk damaging your reputation—or even losing a professorship. The phrase publishes or perishes dates back to 1942 when a sociologist named Logan Wilson used it in a book studying academia as a career. At the time, he described the "publish or perish" credo as a "prevailing pragmatism forced upon the academic group," and it still feels this way too many of today's academics and researchers. For those working within the publish-or-perish system, it can be a stressful lifestyle. Academics must publish research not simply to stay relevant, but it [...]

How to Survive in Academia: Publish or Perish2023-03-11T21:08:33+03:30

Common Reasons for Journal Rejection


Every researcher aims to publish their work in a high-impact journal. However, publishing research is no easy task, and manuscript rejection is a common occurrence in academic publishing. Every researcher faces rejection of their manuscript at some point in their career. Every failure is a stepping stone to success, and researchers can learn from their mistakes to ensure a smooth publication for their next manuscript. Several peer-reviewed studies have investigated the reasons that journals reject papers. Up to 90% of the submitted papers gets rejected due to language errors, missing publication readiness, and other issues. Hence, making use of online [...]

Common Reasons for Journal Rejection2023-03-12T09:27:34+03:30

Case Report (Part 1)


a medical case report, often known as a case study, is a comprehensive account of a patient encounter. The most crucial part of a case report, and the reason you'd bother to write one, is that the situation is sufficiently unique, rare, or intriguing that other medical professionals can learn from it.  Criteria Firstly, a medical case report should be unique and provide sufficient information about a particular patient's case. It is not necessary to explain a particularly unique or uncommon situation because there is value in gathering information on a large number of [...]

Case Report (Part 1)2023-03-12T08:53:34+03:30

How to Paraphrase the Scientific Papers: Principles and Strategies


As if the research process was not difficult enough finding relevant and trustworthy sources, reading and evaluating material, and picking crucial quotations/information to support your paraphrasing findings/arguments academic writers and students also have to worry about correctly documenting their sources. Failure to do so, whether on purpose or by accident, may result in plagiarism, a serious academic infraction. To prevent plagiarism allegations, you must not only properly record your sources in your reference list or bibliography using an acceptable style guide (e.g., APA, Harvard, or Vancouver), but you must also appropriately manage direct quotes and paraphrase. That is, you must [...]

How to Paraphrase the Scientific Papers: Principles and Strategies2022-11-27T16:22:41+03:30

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